5 Star Ratings & Commenting

Posted by Book Mom | 6:00 PM | | 0 comments »

Rating books is a judgment call on the part of the reader. My blog gives you my judgment.

You're more than welcome to disagree in the comments section of each book. For the sake of consistency, I suggest that you use the same star rating system I use, when you give a book on this site a star rating of your own.

I also sometimes give 1/2 star ratings if I'm sitting on the fence.

Photobucket 5 STARS = Fan-tabulous! Absolutely loved it. Highly recommended.

Photobucket 4 STARS = Excellent. Really liked it, may have a few minor flaws. Recommended.

Photobucket 3 STARS = Good. Liked it. Recommend it with a disclaimer.

Photobucket 2 STARS = Okay. Mixed feelings about it. Recommend the library.

Photobucket 1 STAR = Disappointing. Didn't care for it; wouldn't recommend it.

Photobucket 0 STARS = So bad it made me want to poke my eyes out with a fork; probably didn't finish it.

Each book gets an "overall" rating, posted at the top. Near the end of the review, I also use these same stars to rate various elements of the book independent of the overall rating.

Below that is a Content Rating, which is something else entirely and intended as information for parents and others who are purchasing books as gifts for teens.

This probably does not need to be said, but just in case...

Please remember that words have power. Your comments may persuade or dissuade someone who is considering purchasing and/or reading a particular book.

Be honest, but respectful.

Comments that are solely promotional or that are disrespectful will be deleted.

Do not rate a book higher or lower than you feel it really deserves.

As a reader of this blog, do not allow my review or the comments of a few to unduly influence your decision on a book. If a book looks interesting to you, give it a chance.
© Book Mom of Books 4 Teens